Tuesday, April 17, 2012


For my Daughter

Dear little Buttercup, why are you so blue?
sometimes it hurts so much.. the dull, cracking loneliness...
the cold is here too..

but look, Beloved! at where you are!
You are alone with God.

This is the closest a soul can get
to meeting her adoring maker.

Let your heart sing praises
             when those old bones cry,
And may the cold propel you
             steadfast towards the light.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

To Be Known Deeply,To Be Loved Thoroughly; This is the Glory of Two Hearts Made Whole

Before I found you, 
    I knew of a place,
    Unseen but wholly known.
Made bright and sweet
by two hearts finally made whole
   by the healing balms, born of delight,
   calling the wretched home.

We stand together
our bodies marred with wounds
from when we stood alone.
Our hands, though bloodied
Were strong and eager
to build our sanctuary;
to make real in this world
what had only been known
     to a soul thirsting for refuge.

When I found you 
I recognized
in the deepest and holiest part of me,
this rapture had satiated me
Now, finally- it was time to go home

Glory to the goodness
that birthed this simple truth:
                                             I was made to find-
                                             and specifically created;
                                             to Love you.